Because I am bored and it's what the cool kids seem to be doin' this mornin' . . .
29 September 2005
10:46 am

Ok, so I probably could have predicted the outcome of this one . . .

You're a Britpopper. The UK is your thing. The
Smiths really were 'terrif' and Blur are indie
no matter how much money they made. You could
drink all the other indie kids under the table.
You plan on moving to London someday and dream
of one day owning every Beatles release on

You Know Yer Indie. Let's Sub-Categorize.
brought to you by Quizilla

Smiths? Check! Blur? Check! Damon? Yes, please! Drink everyone under the table? Not since I've stopped drinking, but before then? You bet! Move to London? Have done and will do again some day! Beatles releases? I'll leave that to Lee.

Have I mentioned here that I'm flying to England a week from Saturday to see this guy? While I'm there we're travelling to Liverpool, Manchester, and Coventry. Obviously, I'm most excited about Coventry. Heh. Actually, I think Manchester is going to be great. I've not been before and have always wanted to go. Anyone out there who knows anything about Manchester and has suggestions about what we should do/see, please leave me a message in le guestbook. I thank you in advance.

In other news, I got a B+ in the course I took this summer. I don't think that's half bad for my first lit grad class and first academic course in 6 years. I'm pretty pleased with myself this morning.

ps - I really want to own Alf Der Film.

Is that so wrong? Also, if I figure out how I'll post the pics later that Lee sent me of Alf star Max Wright smoking crack with his gay lover. Das ist ein Scandal!

pps - Oh my how much things have changed

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