Birds and snakes and airplanes . . .
19 October 2004
8:43 pm

Lots going on. Big changes. Big decisions. I'll write about it soon but I really don't feel up to it right now.

You know you're too close to your partner when they feel comfortable enough to do a high kick in the air while letting one rip.*

This is the face the aforementioned (wonderful) partner usually pulls when posing for pictures:

This is the face the aforementioned partner pulls when asked nicely to smile:

There is no middle ground.

I was going to write lists but feel too lazy so I will leave you with these:

I've had these flowers for over three weeks. They are of the the super special never dying variety.

*I'm sure he'll sign my guestbook pointing out that I'm not much better, BUT he's the one who happened to do so while I was writing an entry so HA!
Oh my. My brain is so fried from all this thinking and big decision making that I'm making fart jokes. Shoot me now.

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