Watching "Maternity Ward" on Discovery Health scares the crap out of me but I can't stop!
28 January 2006
11:47 am

I feel the need to write here and document how ridiculously happy I am right now. I'm sitting around in my pajamas being lazy and drinking delicious coffee. I have good friends and a wonderful fiance. Things are pretty excellent.

Wedding plans are coming along nicely. I am trying very hard not to be that person who only talks about wedding stuff but when you only have 6 months to plan, it's kind of difficult. I found out yesterday that all of my relatives are coming over from Germany including my cousin Jorg. This makes me very very happy. He's my only cousin (we're two months apart) and it's important to me that we stay in touch, especially since we live so far away from one another.

And now, since I was tagged:

Ground Rules: The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits you have" and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged.

1. When I speak on the phone to my Mother, I have to call her back once immediately after hanging up. I usually pretend that there is something that I forgot to tell her but really it's just a weird OCD type tick that I have. Almost always two calls.

2. I count things in order to pass time. Whether sitting in a car on a long drive taking a long walk, I am always couting. There are 73 tiles on the floor of my parents' first floor bathroom.

3. I cannot look in the mirror without making my "mirror face." I don't even realize that I do it but basically I just suck in my cheeks and make a pouty pose. I have no clue why or when I started doing this but it's just automatic now. I get made fun of for it all the time.

4. When I'm at my parents' house, I kiss the pugs on the forehead and say goodnight to them before I go to bed. I have to do this otherwise I cannot sleep.

5. I grind my teeth so badly when I sleep, that I've woken up both Lee and my Mother while doing so. My teeth are almost totally flat.

Too lazy to link - Kevin, Lee, Tina, Ali, and Sarah - you're all it!

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