#3 Everything I ever really needed to know I learned from TV
22 July 2005
3:48 pm

I just had the following conversations over IM:

Rica Suave says: I'm scared I have the sleeping sickness now***
Lee says: HEY!!
Lee says: you definitely don't have sleeping sickness
Lee says: there's no rash and the bite mark isn't obvious
Lee says: with ss
Lee says: House MD said""
Rica Suave says: nice
Rica Suave says: you love House
Rica Suave says: I have to start watching
Lee says: yeah
Lee says: he's awesome
Lee says: i like Hugh Laurie

30 mins. later:

sarah: i was watching an old CSI last night
sarah: and the bearded guy said that if you put clear nail polish on bug bites
sarah: it blocks them from receiving oxygen
sarah: so they don't itch. but that sounds weird and sketchy to me
me: hmmm
me: interesting
me: I've never heard that though
Sarah: yeah, but that CSI guy is pretty smart

** I don't actually think I have the sleeping sickness, but I am little worried about West Nile. No, not really.

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