re mem mem re mem ma mem ber - me?
22 June 2004
8:07 pm

I am still here, kind of. After a week or so of confusion and tears things are beginning to look up and everything makes sense again. It's nice to have a breakthough every now and then. It's also nice to have a very loving boyfriend to hold my hand through it all and kiss away my tears.


- I've stopped biting my nails. This is good.

- We're going to see The Walkmen on Thursday. This is also very good.

- My last German class is tomorrow. This makes me sad. It will, however, be nice to have Wednesday nights back.

- England won the football last night. Yay England! ps - C'mon Germany.

- It's raining outside right now but it's lovely and cozy inside.

- I'm applying for jobs. At least one of them has to hire me, right? I'm employable - aren't I?

- When you spend 8 hours a day at work, there aren't enough hours in the evening.

- I need more money. Thankfully I found out today that they've been taking out too much in tax for the past year and that I'm due a refund. I have no idea how much it will be but I'm hoping it's substantial.

- We might go visit the German relatives again this fall. YAY pretzles, beer, and small funky glasses!

- I've gone off The Pill and feel much better for it. I wasn't comfortable putting all thosen synthetic hormones in my body. What do you think about it?

- I wish I had hot chocolate.

Also, I'd like to be back in Vegas:

Looking out my window at this every night:

Le sigh.

Finally, this is what I look like lately after losing roughly 40 pounds. Happy one year anniversary Weight Watchers. It's been swell:

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