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22 March 2004
1:49 pm

I haven�t written here in what seems like a very long time. I�m going to have to start updating more regularly again; I miss it. Then again, I feel like all I do lately (here and in real life) is complain so it almost seems pointless.

I hate my job with the fire of ten thousand suns. Ok, that�s not exactly true. My job is fine. The people I work with are perfectly nice and I�m fairly comfortable here. That said, it�s not very challenging and I�m incredibly bored. I don�t really feel as if I�m actually doing anything either. I think I need to have a more hands on people oriented.

Also, I don�t make nearly as much money as I should be making. I hate not having money � it makes me sad and prevents me from doing a lot of the things I�d like to. I used to pretend that money doesn�t matter but I was wrong. It does matter and quite a bit at that. Although it certainly can�t buy happiness, a lack of it can definitely cause unhappiness.

The area that my building is in doesn�t even have anything remotely interesting to offer. I�ve come to dread coming here every morning. That can�t be a good thing. My God I�m boring. All I do is complain about how much I hate my job. Now I remember why I stopped writing here so often. I annoyed myself!

I spent most of last week off sick (which was nice) with an ear infection and hole in my eardrum (which was not nice). I spent five hours in the hospital on Friday only to be seen by a horribly doctor who didn�t answer any of my questions and was really rude to me! I have to go back in a couple of weeks for a follow-up visit at which point they�ll tell me whether or not I�ll need surgery. More fun!

I�ve been really anxious lately. I don�t like feeling this way as it reminds me of a point in my life which I�d rather forget. I worry about my health. I worry about the threat of terrorism. I worry about a flight I�m not even going to take for another month! I�m dealing with it on my own this time and don�t plan on rushing back to a therapist anytime soon although the promise of lovely pills is appealing. Whether or not said pills actually do anything is completely beside the point. It�s nice to think that all my anxiety issues can be dealt with in tablet form. Blah.

Things aren�t actually all bad though. There are a lot of wonderful and really comforting things in my life at the moment. Lee is fantastic although I�ve felt really bad lately as it seems as if I take a lot of my stress out on him. He�s been truly great though and really supportive through during the past couple of weeks. Surely, it can�t be very easy to listen to me whine constantly.

We�re going to visit my parents in a little over a month. Vegas awaits us! I am very, very excited about this. I need a proper vacation badly. Of course, this vacation means that I�ll have to board four plans in the course of a week and wear a bathing suit in public. Maybe going to see the pill pusher isn�t such a bad idea after all. Hmmmm.

We got our mini I-pods and they�re fantastic. I plan on spending all evening loading music onto mine. Lee�s is already full but mine�s practically empty. I love everything about it so far except the white headphones. In fact, I�ve traded them in for my plain black Sony ones. Not only are the Sony ones better but they keep me from looking like a showy pretentious idiot.

Time to get back to work. Only 3.5 more hours to go. Joy.

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