I go crazy, when I'm without you.
27 February 2004
1:23 pm

- I quit smoking on Tuesday. This is my fourth day as a non-smoker. I'm gonna be able to buy so much crap with the money I'm not spending on fags. It's going to flat out rule.

- Had a haircut last night and I'm really happy with the results.

- I was offered, but declined, the job I interviewed for last week. I was interviewed by three men. One made really innapropriate comments the whole time, the other kept apologising that the job was really boring, and the third was pushy. I knew within 5 mins. that I didn't want the job.

- Rima and Dave were here! We spent a few very nice days/evenings with them traipsing around London dining at fine establishments. It was a fantastic to see them but made me a little homesick.

- Ali had a wonderful idea to start a bookclub so starting this Tuesday, I'm going to be getting my smart on every week with a couple of lovely ladies and the aid of a little vino. YAY!

- Still feeling restless at work and bored with myself.

- I'm taking a German class starting in April. I'm very excited about this. I will speak proper German one day if it's the last thing I do!

- I'm so glad it's Friday. This week has been really long and tedious. For the rest of the afternoon I'll be staring at the clock waiting for it to strike 5 so I can bust a move and get the weekend started with a nice easy night in.

- We haven't had heat all week and it's been really, really cold. Thankfully it's been fixed and I plan to crank it up tonight and bask in the warmth. Bliss.

- Have I mentioned that I really need this weekend?

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