Naked Europeans drug Withdrawal
07 May 2003
1:10 am

I can't sleep. It's one o'clock in the morning and I'm sitting in the living room and watching "Eurotrash." I've actually always been really interested in seeing this because Jean Paul Gaultier annoys the hell out of me and it just seems bizzare. We'll see how it goes. Right now there are four flamboyant men dressed Carmen Miranda style and singing La Cucaracha. Rock.

I've felt pretty crappy for the past two days as I've run out of my Effexor prescription and am unable to get an appointment with any GP in the area. So, I'm going through withdrawal symptoms. I've been dizzy, naseous, shakey, and irritable. Yeah, it's a lot of fun.

Going through such awful symptoms has made me think about what exactly I've been putting into my body for the past 2.5 and whether or not I need it any more. So, I'm contemplating taking myself off it entirely even though Lee's Mum has sent me a bottle through the mail. We'll see how that goes.

Oh my, there's a woman with enormously fake breasts cavorting around on the show now. OK, she's lathering herself up in the shower. I should probably point out that we don't have cable. I think this is BBC 1. Toto, we're definitely not in America anymore.

I've just eaten some peanut butter on bread. Apparently peanut butter has tryptophan in it which makes you sleepy. The idea of peanut butter and jelly together on a sandwich is really gross to most Britons. I think it's because their peanut butter isn't as sweet as ours is so it seems like an odd combination.

The current part of the show is called "Naked German of the Week." According to the announcer, in order to qualify for the award you must be both naked and German. Good Lord. The Naked German dog trainers, Monica and Wolfgang Muller from Dusseldorf, have won.

While I was lying in bed earlier my head was spinning with ideas. Now it is spinning from typing and staring at the computer screen. I'm starting to feel a bit nauseous. Fucking Effexor withdrawal. I think it's time to go back to watching horny naked Europeans make asses of themselves. Then maybe I'll head back to bed and try to lull myself to sleep while listening to Lee breathe.

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